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Anti-wrinkle injections at Skinfinity

Our anti-wrinkle injections are ideal for minimising and softening the appearance of these fine lines and wrinkles in the face. They involve a series of small injections of Botulinum Toxin type A, which temporarily blocks nerve signals to specific muscles, preventing muscle contraction and allowing muscle relaxation, helping to reduce the depth and impact of lines and wrinkles

Advanced injection techniques can also be used to treat:


Gummy smiles


Brow lifting


Chin Dimpling



Jawline Slimming/Jaw clenching (Masseter injection)


Headaches &Migraines


Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Overactivity of certain facial muscles can result in the formation of creases and wrinkles which become deeper and more permanent over time, with decreasing levels of collagen and elastin in the skin as we age.

During treatment

The areas to be treated will be cleaned and marked with a pencil and then be injected with a tiny needle.

Pain is minimal and very short-lived.



Typically, it takes 7-12 days to see the full effect of the injections and we offer a complimentary review at our clinic after 2 weeks to assess the results and for top-up injections if needed at no extra cost. Your results will be subtle, yet effective, making you look naturally refreshed and rejuvenated. Results should last approximately 3 months. The more regular treatments you have done, the longer-lasting the outcome.


Possible side effects

Temporary bruising, redness, swelling and headache may occur but are usually minimal. Rarely, temporary heaviness or drooping of the eyelid can occur.



You can return to work and normal activities immediately. However, we advise no strenuous exercise or excessive heat/steam for 24 hours.

Spa Day

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